Saturday, March 19, 2011


I planted the tomatoes today. Remember to place cans around all young plants. I ran out of cans about half way through. The wind can destroy those little plants. Hopefull they will make a recovery with a little tender care. The 85 degree temperature today did not help matters.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Planting

We have now planted egg plant and peppers. The wind has been a factor in getting the plants int the ground. We are using black fabric cover to prevent weeds. We are also covering every plant with #10 cans with removable lids. Hoping to plant tomatoes this week-end. They will also need protection from the wind and possible cold temperatures since it is still March.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


As of the first of March the following have been planted: potatoes, lettuce, radishes, and cabbage. We are waiting for the last freeze. This should come before the end of the month. Anticipating a great planting season.