Sunday, June 6, 2010


The first 100 degree day of summer. Man can it get hot. Where we have been building the soil for several years with compost, the plants are able to handle the heat and dry tempteratures much better than the newer parts of the garden. The squash is in full bloom and we will be picking fresh yellow squash this week. There was a time I would eat squash only fried, but Kristi has kept trying new recipies using squash in salads, cassarols, bread and soups that are very good.
Tomatoes are looking good but are not ready yet. A new pest is appearing. Hords of very young grasshoppers are in the grass pastures outside of the garden. The young hens take great delight in chasing and eating that come into the garden, but I fear that as summer continues the grasshoppers will move into the lush garden in numbers that will overwelm the chickens. I do not spray, so this could mean an early end to the garden this year.

1 comment:

  1. Help me get ride of flies on our back porch!!
