Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Garden Coming to an End

The garden has suffered this summer due to high temperatures and little to no rain. The tomatoes are history. We mowed down the rows. Plans are in the works for raised beds in time for the fall garden. We are hoping to plant Swiss Chard and other greens.
We still have hot hot peppers, chilie peppers and jalapeno peppers. We are working on recipes to make candied jalapeno peppers.
Hoping for a cold and wet fall.

1 comment:

  1. hey yall!! love the blog. wish we were closer so we could enjoy the bounty of your garden! i bought two containers of blueberries yesterday (knowing chad could finish one by himself!) and meaning to make the blueberry crumb cake from PW. was hoping the movers would come with our stuff today, but they are running late (again) so hopefully tomorrow or wed i can get to baking! will let you know how it turns out :)
